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The Ketogenic Diet for weight loss is switching your body to burning fat for fuel. To do this you need to lower your carb intake to 20-25 net carbs per day. Keep in mind that is a little different for each person based on your height, weight and age. Setting your macros (fats, proteins and carb intake) is very important and I suggest setting them every 10-20lbs. of loss. Check out my videos to learn how to do that.

Healthy fats are important, this is not just all the butter, bacon and cheese you can eat. Healthy fats help absorb nutrients, its a long lasting metabolism fuel, keeps you fuller longer, improves brain function, balances your hormones among other benefits. Some healthy fat sources are avocado , organic grass fed butter and cheese, extra virgin olive oil, fish like salmon, nuts, beef (grass fed is the best), seeds like chia, flax, hemp, sunflower to name a few and eggs with the yolks. 

Your body needs carbohydrates but from a healthy source not bread and pastas. Some healthy carb choices are spinach, avocado, asparagus, lettuce, cucumber, zucchini, olives, egg plant, green pepper, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts and broccoli to mention a few. 


Ketogenic Diet Health Benefits

1. Reduces your appetite

2. Weight Loss

3. Triglycerides Drop

4. Increase Good "HDL"

Conditions That May Benefit from a Ketogenic Diet

1. Epilepsy

2. Prediabetes(large waistline, low HDL, high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar)


4. Diabetes

5. Obesity

6. Migrains

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